Demystifying Climate Change from a Financial Perspective
As Alice Ross puts it, ‘People’s financial footprint is even more important than changes in their lifestyle as a consumer – the most powerful thing people can do in their lives is check where their investment is going’
Image from: Investing to save the planet by Alice Ross
Agile Management - Embracing Metamorphosis
If undertaken with authenticity, research by Agile Future Forum in the UK has identified that more agile working practices, for example, are already delivering, value equivalent to between 3 and 13% of workforce costs in employers adopting them effectively. (cannon, 2017) Hayward
Image from: The Agile Leader How to create an agile leader in the digital age by Simon Hayward
Existential Ponderings – Perspective shifting thoughts
When I mentor, this is what I share:
It’s important to have a wider understanding of the world and our place in it – to challenge and shift perspectives leads to growth.
Image from: Seven brief lessons on Physics, by Carlo Rovelli
Flowscapes : Novel Solutions to Complex Problems – Applied Tech. Sector Thinking
Ultimately you may wonder - why does this matter? Well, simply put, most businesses, whatever their sector depend on public perception. Without the concept of lateral thinking and ‘water logic’, complex issues related to human behaviour would be impossible to fully understand.
Image from: Water Logic by Edward De Bono